March 6, 2008

I've discovered a new form of torture. Today, as I was trying desperately to get a good picture of a new cat bed to list on my shop, my 5-year-old wouldn't stop talking and "helping."

The scene was actually hilarious. Here I am with our cat "Dinky" who is less-than-thrilled to be posed in another cat bed pic. My daughter is running around me in circles, talking endlessly, and moving my background fabric. She's moving under the background fabric and pulling the fabric off of the table and teasing the cat.

With all this going on, I'm trying to get my picture. Pictures are hard for me. I take forever. Then, my batteries run out on the camera! So I'm scraping the last bit of juice from these failing batteries. I somehow managed to get some pictures, if the pictures are good, that's another issue.

I was a very busy bee today. We have a Craft Show on Saturday and I've been sewing, sewing, sewing, oh, and sewing.

I've made some pieces I'm really proud of, like the Groovy Cat Bed with a beaded front door! Very cool.

I'm really getting into this tye-dying thing. I took 5 yards of canvas and tye-dyed today, making some beautiful patterns and colors. I created a couple big comfy pillows and I'm hoping to make another round bolster dog bed. The canvas becomes really soft after a few washes so I've been washing each piece three times. I kept one of the pillows for myself and I've been sleeping with it. It's hard to imagine Canvas being so soft.

I can't get Trouble (aka Trubby) out of the bed I made him. He loves it. I think this dog bed has given me the most pleasure. I worked hard to create a bed just for Trubby and how he sleeps. Two bolsters around the circle give him some support on his achy joints and a place to rest his head.

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Chubby Trubby"s hobo pet beds and pillows