In honor of the Blizzard which has kept us inside for the past two days, Chubby is offering FREE SHIPPING on everything in the store! Mention "Blizzard" in your message to Buyer and I will send a revised invoice.

Speaking of Blizzards, I have snow reaching up to my Kitchen Window, nearly covering my Rose of Sharon Bush entirely. The poor little birds are shivering and poofy out by the feeder. I think even the Cardinals are considering a trip South next winter.

The girls are venturing out this morning. The dogs can barely walk through the snow. Josey is agile enough to bounce through the thickness. Trubby, however, plows through like a tank.

Well, I'm off to make French Toast for three little girls who want to play in the snow.


Pam Aries said...

HI ! THanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the doors, ha! And thanks for the dogbed info! That is so cool! I love all your doggie items!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

I'm here from Pam's blog. I won't lie, I'm here because of the picture on your profile. I'm a dog lover (and cat lover) and always have been! I'll have to take a look around this weekend and read your blog more in-depth! We have a Great Pyreness and he's our spoiled child - well one of them.

Dog people are the best!
My Petite Maison

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

I can't believed I misspelled my dog's breed - what a doofus - he is a Great Pyrenees. OK, I feel better now!

Chubby Trubby"s hobo pet beds and pillows